Wednesday, November 11, 2015

2 Hours Powerful | Singing Bowls | Chakra Meditation | Relax Now

Powerful Singing Bowls Chakra Meditation 2 Hours

Very powerful Singing Bowls Vibration sounds Chakra Meditation  with soothing nature sounds that will help to relax your body and mind for an amazing deeper state of perfect relaxation.

This amazing Singing Bowls Meditation music will help to take you on your own inner journey of self discovery of your true self and greater self awareness....

Fantastic Relaxation sounds recording for helping you to Meditate, for studying,  for relaxing so you can go into a deep sleep.

This trully is a Powerful Singing Bowls recording that I am quite sure will help you to feel much more peace and inner harmony.

The amazing combination of Vibrating Singing Bowl Tones and the soothing gentle sounds of flowing water are perfect for relaxing your body and mind.

The Incredible Singing Bowls vibration sounds combined with a gentle running stream will bring you into a state of total bliss and inner peace.

Everything in the Universe is Vibrating at one speed or another.  This Beautiful Tibetan Singing Bowls vibrating sounds will bring you into greater alignment with the Universe so you will then experience true inner and outer harmony.

These Sound Vibrations are better known as Solfeggio Frequencies.  Solfeggio Frequencies are said to have incredible healing powers and the can us to bring our body and mind into greater inner and outer peace and Harmony.

Relax And Enjoy!


Hear is some fantastic Information about Solfeggio Frequencies from the website.

Vibration is everything. And every vibration has its own frequency. By exposing the mind and body to the Solfeggio frequencies, you can easily achieve a greater sense of balance and deep healing. The Solfeggio frequencies align you with the rhythms and tones that form the basis of the Universe.

" This ancient scale is part of a 6-tone sequence of electro-magnetic frequencies called the Original Solfeggio Scale. These particular frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo in 1974, during a wonderful experience that some would describe as mystical. These frequencies are not something new, but indeed something very ancient. "

Here is some more amazing information that gives us some idea of the power of Chakra's and how they can help us bring greater peace into our lives.

Here's a short snippet from the Living One Vibrational Energy Website that gives a brief explanation of the different Chakra's and their related Vibrational Frequencies.!chakras/c24oi

" Chakra is a Sanskrit Hindu word meaning, "spinning wheel of energy". Chakras are energy centres within our bodies, they receive and transmit energy. Each Chakra is located at a major endocrine gland and a nerve plexus within our bodies.

A chakra is a center of activity that receives and expresses life force energy. We hold every thought, emotion and feeling in one of our seven chakras and they become lodged until they are released. Each of the seven musical notes and seven colors corresponding to the chakras have emotional and physical issues attached to them. Sound Healing has the power to tap into our chakras for great healing"

Tibetan Singing Bowls - Chakra Set C# Earth Tone

By Sonic Yogi

SUBSCRIBE to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music.

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

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