Friday, May 31, 2019

Support Our Channel & Become A Patron

Show your Support - Become a Patron Of This Channel

If you are enjoying the content( Videos) we are creating and you find that they have helped you in some way,   why not add your

support of this Channel, which  will help to keep the Channel

 not just  Going but also, Gowing,  so we can produce much more High quality content. 

Peace and Many Thanks for your Support....

Relax And Enjoy!

Daniel Nelson.

With a wide variety of  Videos  covering ,  Motivation & Success,   Finding your core Inner Confidence,

Discovering inner peace & Happiness, L.O.A plus the law of Vibration,  Relaxationships

and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music

 Mind Relax Zone .... The Place to Find Inner Peace And Happiness by discovering The Best Version Of Yourself.

Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Background Footage filmed in Sydney,  April / May , 2019

using a Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Visual FX Added

Music written by Daniel Nelson.

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of  Videos  covering ,  Motivation & Success,   Finding your core Inner Confidence,

Discovering inner peace & Happiness, L.O.A plus the law of Vibration,  Relaxationships

and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music

Other fantastic Videos

Fastest Way To Change Your Inner State & Mood From Sad To Happy, Part One

The 3 Keys To Living A Happy And Abundant Life

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experience A Peaceful Meditative State

Musical and Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Master Your Emotions To Take Back Control Of Your Life

Master You Emotions Take Back Control Of Your Life

If you are not in control of your emotions then somebody else or Something Else, Is.

If we allow other people & the External Environment ( Stimuli) to control Our Emotions

We will be at the mercy of those External Environmental Forces

Not Mastering (  Controlling)  Your Emotions Also means that your communications

with others will be clouded by your overly emotional state.

Your Actions,  Words, Decisions & Judgements,  will be clouded.

You may say or do something that you later regret. 

Not having better control or mastery over your emotions can cost you your relationships

with the ones you love. 

There are times when being assertive & speaking up are required. 

Though,  being Assertive & Being Emotional are two entirely different things. 

Having Mastery of your emotions means enjoying & experiencing life to the full.

Whilst being detached from any negative external stimuli & Influences.

To the degree that we have mastery ( Control) over our emotions,

To that degree we will have mastery & control over our Lives.

Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Warning 2 .  Disclaimer

Although,  these recordings and the advice we give, may help you in many ways,  they are not meant to replace the treatment

 and advice provided to you by Medical professionals and practitioners,  especially if you are suffering from a serious mental or physical condition

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Background Footage filmed in Sydney,  April / May , 2019

using a Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Visual FX Added

Music written by Daniel Nelson.

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of  Videos  covering ,  Motivation & Success,   Finding your core Inner Confidence,

Discovering inner peace & Happiness, L.O.A plus the law of Vibration,  Relaxationships

and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music

Other fantastic Videos

Fastest Way To Change Your Inner State & Mood From Sad To Happy, Part One

The 3 Keys To Living A Happy And Abundant Life

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experience A Peaceful Meditative State

Musical and Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Mind Blowing Thunderstorm Recording, Spectacular Thunder Bursts & Super ...

Mind Blowing Thunderstorm Sound recording Spectacular Thunder Bursts & Super Relaxing Rain Sounds to totally relax your body mind and soul so you can get to sleep fast.

Magnificent Thunderstorm Soundscape recording with Ground shaking Thunder Bursts booming in the distance and Soothing peaceful hypnotic rain sounds as heavy rain pours down on the house roofs and pavements outside.

Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Warning 2 .  Disclaimer

Although,  these recordings and the advice we give, may help you in many ways,  they are not meant to replace the treatment

 and advice provided to you by Medical professionals and practitioners,  especially if you are suffering from a serious mental or physical condition

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Background footage filmed in Sydney April / May 2019

using a Panasonic Video Camera(Camcorder)

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Videos covering ,  Motivation,   core inner confidence,  Happiness & Inner Peace, Success, Abundance & Prosperity, L.O.A and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

The 3 Keys To Living A Happy And Abundant Life

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experience A Peaceful Meditative State

Musical & Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera(Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Fastest Way To Change Your Inner State & Mood From Sad To Happy, Part One

Fastest Way To Change Your Inner State & Mood From Sad To Happy, Part One

 Many people spend their days sad and unhappy with their lives.   There is an incredibly fast way to get back those "Happy Feelings"  & help get you into a much more enjoyable inner state and mood,  & it won't cost you anything,  & it's super fast and easy to do.

Fastest Way To Change Your Inner State & Mood From Sad To Happy,             

                                      Is to Smile                                       


   So Let's Smile Together!     Okay,   Beautiful People!    Give Us Your Best Smile.   Fantastic!

  Smiling Releases Endorphins Into Your Bloodstream     Which Can relax Your Body & Can Even Lower Your Blood Pressure

    By the Simple Act of Smiling  & By Using The Facial Muscles  Involved When We Smile

  Creates Changes In Our Inner State   & Our Physiology & Outer State. 

So, a fast & easy way to Happiness Is to Smile!

      Happiness is an Inside Job!

   Some People are so Habitually Negative & therefore, view ( Interpret)

the World around them in an almost completely Negative way!

How we respond to our Outer Environment,  creates our Inner State

from our Inner state,  we create both our,  Outer &  Inner Environments

 There Are Many Fantastic Books Out There that are worth taking a look at.

  Though, mastering the Disciplines in these Books,  may take years.

So, a fast & easy way to Happiness, is to Smile!     

We can always learn something new from reading Books. Then by applying what we have leaned in Our Lives

We can Grow as Human & Spiritual Beings!   

  It is part of our Journey & Experience of Life!

  Sometimes it Seems like our life Sucks!  Everything Seems to be going wrong.

We feel like just running away from everyone & everything. 

 The Fastest Way to change Our your Mood & Inner State from sad to happy, is to smile.  So Let's smile Together.

They say there is a proper or a correct way to smile.   If the simple act of smiling can change our

When you're smiling the whole world smiles with you.  Well, maybe not the whole world.

Though, often times,  smiling brings out a smile from other people around you.

And it can change the whole mood &  the energy of the environment around you.

Honestly. How hard is it to smile?               


Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Background Nature Footage Filmed In Sydney,  April / May, 2019

Using a Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Visual FX Added

Background Music Written By Daniel Nelson

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

The 3 Keys To Living A Happy And Abundant Life

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experience A Peaceful Meditative State

Delightful "Music Video" Beautiful Relaxation Experience For Inner Peace And Greater Self Awareness

Musical & Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera( Handycam)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Monday, May 20, 2019

The 3 Keys To Living A Happy And Abundant Life

The 3 Amazing Keys To Living A Happy And Abundant Life and to live life to the Full. 

"Everybody wants to get the most out of Life , and to Life life to the Fullest"!

                        The 3 Keys to achieving this are : 

     (1).    Your Time

      (2).    Your Energy

       (3).   Your Resources(Money)

When we lack in any one of these 3 Key areas we miss out in Life

                      Time & Money are Great!

Though,   without the Energy to enjoy life,  we cannot

                      experience Life to the Full!

                The Best way to achieve this is to

                       Raise Your Energy Levels!

                (1).   Physically 

                 (2).  Mentally

                  (3).  Spiritually

                     A lack of Energy

               Can cause us to lack Motivation

and Cause us to struggle with stressful situations & Fatigue

                                 Motivation is Great!

   Though,  most of Our Motivation comes from outside Us

              Stimulation from Outside Events & Things!

The Best Form of Motivation comes from within Us!

                                  " SELF  MOTIVATION"

Raising your Energy Levels will have a Flow on Effect!

That causes an Increase in your Vibrational Energy Levels

                           Both In Quantity & Quality!

                                        Time Is Life!

    Decide what you want to do with your life,  and just get out there

                       and..............Just Do It!     

                    Make The Most Of Your Time!

     People who write a lists are far more likely to Succeed!

        So, write a list(s) of Your Goals....

         Short, Medium and Long Term Goals!

          Everything is Energy & Energy is Everything!

Setting Goals & being actively involved in Achieving those Goals

      can dramatically Improve the quality of your life!

     This is all part of ( Your) Self Growth & Self Development! 

 Soon you will be Generating your own Energy & Inner Motivation!

                                   It's a 3 way win for you!

                  (1).  You are using your time more effectively!

                   (2).  You have created your own Inner Motivation &


                                               Energy Source!

                    (3).  You have now opened the "Door to Abundance"

                     so that money & resources can flow into your life!


Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Background Nature Footage Filmed In Sydney,  May, 2019

Using a Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Visual FX Added

Background Music Written By Daniel Nelson

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experience A Peaceful Meditative State

Delightful "Music Video" Beautiful Relaxation Experience For Inner Peace And Greater Self Awareness

Native American Flute With Running Water Forest Sounds 60 Minutes

Musical And Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wolves In The Wind, Beautiful Sounds Of Wolves Howling, Strong Winds & A...

Wolves In The Wind, Beautiful Sounds Of Wolves Howling, Strong Winds & A Running Stream

The haunting cries of Wolves rise above the sounds of swirling winds,   with a full moon hanging in the night sky.  The Wolves howls are much closer now, as the sounds of shuffling paws can be heard only meters away,  edging towards us from within the dense, dark forest.

Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Moon Footage and Woods Footage Filmed In Sydney over March / April/ May  2019 using a Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder)  Various Visual FX added. 

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

Beautiful Relaxing Music, Mesmerizing Body & Mind Healing Sounds, Relax & Improve Focus

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experience A Peaceful Meditative State

Delightful "Music Video" Beautiful Relaxation Experience For Inner Peace And Greater Self Awareness

Musical and Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Beautiful Relaxing Music, Mesmerizing Body & Mind Healing Sounds, Relax ...

Beautiful Relaxing Music, Mesmerizing Body & Mind Healing Sounds, helps you Relax & Improve your Focus

Enchanting Relaxation Meditation music with soothing Melodies and peaceful Nature sounds that combine to bring you into a much deeper and relaxed state of inner peace and harmony. 

Very powerful mind and body healing musical recording for reducing stress and anxiety and for helping you focus and concentrate when you are studying. 

As you raise your vibration over time due to the healing effects of this music taking effect you will notice greater Synchronicity occurring in your life as you move from a negative energy field to a more positive energy field.

The more you are in a state of stress free relaxation,  the greater the level of happiness you will experience in your day to day life.

This increased relaxed mindset, in turn will be incredibly helpful in

assisting you in discovering and working towards your passions and purpose in life, so you can much easier reach and attain those goals and desires you set for yourself.

 Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Background Footage Filmed in Sydney April, 2019

using a Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder) Various Visual FX added.

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experience A Peaceful Meditative State

Delightful "Music Video" Beautiful Relaxation Experience For Inner Peace And Greater Self Awareness

Native American Flute With Running Water Forest Sounds 60 Minutes

Musical And Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experienc...

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experience A Peaceful Meditative State

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Recording With 2 Hours Isochronic Tones and Mind Harmonizing Gong Sounds that Helps You Relax & Experience An incredibly Peaceful Meditative State of mind and an

amazing deep inner sense of peace and Harmony.

Feel your stress and anxiety melt away as this powerful Alpha waves Meditation recording helps you to experience a profoundly relaxed body and calmer mind that is perfect for raising your vibration to a much higher and more positive frequency.

Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Beach Waves Sounds recorded Cronulla Beach 2019,  remixed and edited

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

Light Gentle Rain 60 Minutes For Sleep And Relaxation

Delightful "Music Video" Beautiful Relaxation Experience For Inner Peace And Greater Self Awareness

Native American Flute With Running Water Forest Sounds 60 Minutes

Musical And Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Light Gentle Rain 60 Minutes For Sleep And Relaxation

Light Gentle Rain 60 Minutes For a great Sleep And for perfect Relaxation whilst you read,  study or browse the web.

Very nice rain recording that has a nice balance of rain sounds to provide the perfect environment to achieve a lasting state of inner peace.

The amazing hypnotic sounds of this rain sounds recording will have you falling into a deep perfect sleep before you even know it!

Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Rain And Nature Footage Filmed in Sydney,  April,  2019,  using a Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder) 

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

Delightful "Music Video" Beautiful Relaxation Experience For Inner Peace And Greater Self Awareness

Native American Flute With Running Water Forest Sounds 60 Minutes

Calming "Remedial Relaxation Music" For Whole Body Repair,  Feel More Relaxed Sleep Better

Musical and Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Delightful "Music Video" Beautiful Relaxation Experience For Inner Peace...

Delightful Music Recording Beautiful Relaxation Experience For Inner Peace & Greater Self Awareness.

Gorgeous Relaxation and Meditation Music recording with Beautiful Instrumental Music combined with Soothing Nature Ambient sounds that are perfect for getting into the most relaxed and peaceful state of mind,  so you can attain much more inner peace and greater self awareness. 

This relaxing Music recordings can aid with the healing of inner personal conflicts by lowering stress and anxiety levels and bringing about a much deeper understanding of your true self, 

which leads to greater self love and and self acceptance.

This music can help you to relax very deeply whilst achieving a higher level of focus and concentration, so it would be fantastic to listen to whilst you study,  or while you read or browse the web, or for practising your Meditation or for going into a beautiful deep and peaceful sleep.

Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Beach Footage Filmed at Cronulla Beach, Sydney, April 2019 using a Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)  Special VFX added.

Other Sky and Nature Footage Filmed in Sydney, March, April 2019,  using a Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder)

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

Native American Flute With Running Water Forest Sounds 60 Minutes

Calming "Remedial Relaxation Music" For Whole Body Repair,  Feel More Relaxed Sleep Better

Musical and Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Native American Flute With Running Water Forest Sounds 60 Minutes

Native American Flute With Running Water Forest Sounds 60 Minutes. 

Just amazing Magical Native American Flute Music with the relaxing sounds of a flowing stream, a passing Eagle and Nature sounds of the surrounding Forest that will take you into your own inner world of Perfect peace and Harmony. 

This Hypnotic American Indian Flute and Nature sounds recording is perfect for relaxing your body and mind so you can concentrate on your study,   or for helping you practice your Meditation,   for Insomnia relief if you have trouble sleeping.....

Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Eagle and river Footage Filmed(Salt Pan Creek) in Sydney using a Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder) 

Whilst filming the river( Creek) what looked like  a Sea Eagle swooped down, chasing ( and only barely missed) a flock of Racing Pigeons,  before flying off into the distance.   Visual FX Added. 

Sky Background Footage filmed in Sydney using Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)  Visual FX added

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

Calming "Remedial Relaxation Music" For Whole Body Repair,  Feel More Relaxed Sleep Better

Mind And Body Calming Music Helps You Relax & Achieve Greater Inner Peace

Celestial Musical Recording, Experience Higher Consciousness, Self Awareness & Deepened Relaxation

Musical and other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Calming "Remedial Relaxation Music" For Whole Body Repair, Feel More Re...

 Calming "Remedial Relaxation Music" For Whole Body Repair,  Feel More Relaxed & Sleep Better

 This powerful recording can help you to Feel More Relaxed, experience greater inner peace and happiness & enjoy a much better quality Sleep. 

Simply amazing Remedial Relaxation and Meditation music for getting your Body, Mind and soul fully aligned at an incredibly high vibrational level,   so you can raise your life energy and experience a wonderful positive transformation in all areas of your life, such as Love, Peace, Wealth, Health and happiness.

This Beautiful Music can be very helpful as relaxing background music  for Meditation practice,  or for sleeping or just for relaxing and listening to whilst you study or read your favorite novels or Kindle books. 

Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Background Footage Filmed(Shot) in Sydney using a Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)  then various Special FX added.

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

Mind And Body Calming Music Helps You Relax & Achieve Greater Inner Peace

Celestial Musical Recording, Experience Higher Consciousness, Self Awareness & Deepened Relaxation

Musical and other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Dramatic Thunderstorm Sounds 2 Hours Massive Thunder Bursts With Relaxin...

Dramatic Thunderstorm Sounds 2 Hours Massive Thunder Bursts With Relaxing Soothing Rain

Dramatic Thunderstorm Sounds 2 Hours Massive Thunder Bursts With Relaxing Soothing Rain for perfect sleep and relaxation.

A Massive Thunderstorm approaches with Spectacular Deep Booming Thunder bursts and the most Relaxing sounds of Heavy Rain falling all around.   

This amazing  HD Quality  Thunderstorm and rain Soundscape  will

make you feel you are right in the middle of a huge Thunderstorm with your body totally wet from the heavy rainfall and the cold night air blowing all around you. 

Fantastic Thunderstorm and rain sounds recording for Sleeping, Meditation or for studying......

Rain and thunder sounds can also be used for Insomnia relief if you have trouble sleeping or as a masking background sound if you suffer from Tinnitus.

Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Background Footage Filmed In Sydney March / April 2019

using a Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Additional FX and Animations added. 

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

With a wide variety of beautiful  Nature sounds covering ,  Rain,   Wind,  Fire and Water and some really fantastic Relaxation and Deep Zen Meditation Music,   you are sure to find the right music and relaxing sounds to help you find total peace and relaxation.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

Superb Thunderstorm 3 Hours Unbelievable Thunder Sounds & Soothing Heavy Rain For Relaxation & Sleep

Pleasurable Relaxation Video, With "Soothing Music" And Peaceful Visuals, Relax & Feel More Peace

Mind And Body Calming Music Helps You Relax & Achieve Greater Inner Peace

Musical and Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera ( Camcorder)

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.