Saturday, May 25, 2019

Fastest Way To Change Your Inner State & Mood From Sad To Happy, Part One

Fastest Way To Change Your Inner State & Mood From Sad To Happy, Part One

 Many people spend their days sad and unhappy with their lives.   There is an incredibly fast way to get back those "Happy Feelings"  & help get you into a much more enjoyable inner state and mood,  & it won't cost you anything,  & it's super fast and easy to do.

Fastest Way To Change Your Inner State & Mood From Sad To Happy,             

                                      Is to Smile                                       


   So Let's Smile Together!     Okay,   Beautiful People!    Give Us Your Best Smile.   Fantastic!

  Smiling Releases Endorphins Into Your Bloodstream     Which Can relax Your Body & Can Even Lower Your Blood Pressure

    By the Simple Act of Smiling  & By Using The Facial Muscles  Involved When We Smile

  Creates Changes In Our Inner State   & Our Physiology & Outer State. 

So, a fast & easy way to Happiness Is to Smile!

      Happiness is an Inside Job!

   Some People are so Habitually Negative & therefore, view ( Interpret)

the World around them in an almost completely Negative way!

How we respond to our Outer Environment,  creates our Inner State

from our Inner state,  we create both our,  Outer &  Inner Environments

 There Are Many Fantastic Books Out There that are worth taking a look at.

  Though, mastering the Disciplines in these Books,  may take years.

So, a fast & easy way to Happiness, is to Smile!     

We can always learn something new from reading Books. Then by applying what we have leaned in Our Lives

We can Grow as Human & Spiritual Beings!   

  It is part of our Journey & Experience of Life!

  Sometimes it Seems like our life Sucks!  Everything Seems to be going wrong.

We feel like just running away from everyone & everything. 

 The Fastest Way to change Our your Mood & Inner State from sad to happy, is to smile.  So Let's smile Together.

They say there is a proper or a correct way to smile.   If the simple act of smiling can change our

When you're smiling the whole world smiles with you.  Well, maybe not the whole world.

Though, often times,  smiling brings out a smile from other people around you.

And it can change the whole mood &  the energy of the environment around you.

Honestly. How hard is it to smile?               


Warning:  Some of our Recordings use powerful Isochronic and are specially mixed and designed to take you into a very deep relaxed state.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery. 

Only listen when you are completely safe to fully relax and let go

Relax And Enjoy!


Created By Daniel Nelson -

Mind Relax Zone - Copyright 2019, All rights reserved.  Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.

Background Nature Footage Filmed In Sydney,  April / May, 2019

Using a Panasonic Video Camera( Camcorder)

Visual FX Added

Background Music Written By Daniel Nelson

Subscribe to the Rain Relaxation Sounds Channel

Video Url

Everyone can benefit from the relaxing sounds of Rain as well as other Nature sounds and soothing Relaxation Music. 

When these Powerful sounds are combined they relax your body and Mind so you can Study Better,  practice your Meditation,  Relax More or Help you sleep.

So , sit down Relax and unwind .  Let the relaxing sounds of nature take you deep into your own world of inner peace.

Listening to the soothing hypnotic sounds of Meditation, Relaxation and Sleep Music are a perfect way to unwind and de- stress from all your worldly cares.

Other Fantastic Relaxation Videos

The 3 Keys To Living A Happy And Abundant Life

Hypnotic Alpha Meditation Video With Isochronic Tones, Relax & Experience A Peaceful Meditative State

Delightful "Music Video" Beautiful Relaxation Experience For Inner Peace And Greater Self Awareness

Musical & Other Equipment Used In Recordings

Panasonic Video Camera( Handycam)

Iphone 6

Yamaha:   Keyboards,  Synths,  Guitar. 

Novation:   Synth

Arturia:  Midi Controller / Keyboard

DAWS(Digital Audio Workstations) 


Ableton Lite


Plus  Various VST'S ( Virtual Studio Technologies) 

      Various Video Editing Software

      Various Sound editing, Recording and Mixing Software.

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